How to Submit Your Opinion Piece or Letters to the Editor

Columbus Underground is a community-driven resource, which means that your opinion matters. If you’d like to write share your opinion or submit a letter to the editor, feel free to do so via email with the instructions, below. We are looking for thoughtful, meaningful, well-written and relevant content about all aspects of life in Columbus, Ohio.

Note: If you would like to submit an event, please log in and post it on the events page. Please do not submit events with this form.

Please note the following before submitting your opinion or letter:

  • Columbus Underground reserves the right to determine what is a good fit for publishing. Not all submissions will be published.
  • Your work may be edited for typos/clarity or shortened by the Editorial Staff at Columbus Underground before publishing.
  • Columbus Underground reserves non-exclusive rights to publish, distribute, edit, update and re-purpose your submission.
  • If you are posting news from another news source, please provide an html link to the original content so that we can cite and credit sources properly.

Submit Opinion pieces via email to [email protected]

Submit Letters to the Editor via email to [email protected]